Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm Totally Lost

I’m totally lost.

Totally. Despite the tiny size and the loud commercials of ABC’s web replay, I’m once again hooked. Brooklyn basement a long ways away from Vassar, but still, these mysteriously intricate plotlines and character back-stories get through. Lost touches the deepest strings of my heart. It is a resonant bass tone vibrating in the key of formulaic. It is everything I need when I get home from work, so don’t call, don’t email, and don’t IM. Busy.

Favorite character is Hurley. Locke and Charlie find him wandering back from – well, that’s a long story. But Hurley’s hushed tone, his newly defeatist but still humorous dialogue, are a perfect counterpoint to the quasi-melodrama of the Sawyer-Kate-Jack triangle. He’s the backbone of my personal connection to the show, the most normal – incidentally the most rich – person on the island. Plus he often assumes the role of audience member and speaks as if reading our minds. This is, of course, exactly what he’s doing when Locke and Charlie find him in the jungle. For Hurley recapping comes naturally.

Of course there’s a new mystery. Seems like Desmond might have done something to the space-time continuum. Don’t worry, I know a guy.

P.S. Oprah, buy me Tivo…


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